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GameMaster Application Format

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GameMaster Application Format Empty GameMaster Application Format

Post  Ace Mon Mar 29, 2010 8:12 am

CruelWoW GameMaster Application Format

1. What is your main character's in-game name?

2. Where in the world are you located?

3. What time zone are you located in?

4. How old are you?

5. What's your Account name?

6. What times exactly can you GM? (Be specific please : Days/Times etc)

7. Have you ever been banned for any reason?

8. How much time can you Dedicate to our Server?

9. What is your Ventrilo Username? (Do you have a Microphone)?

10. Have you had previous experience as a Game Master?

11. Tell us a little about yourself.

12. Explain why you think you would be a good Cruel WoW GM.

13. What interests you most about the GM position?

14. If you were going to submit a suggestion for us, what would it be?

15. Events can get out of control, how would you pull a situation under control if it went bad ?

16. What do you think is the most important thing a GM can do ?

17. What do you think set's you Aside from the other's ? (What make's you Special)?


Posts : 160
Join date : 2009-12-11
Location : Iceland,

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GameMaster Application Format Empty wanna be gm......wanna help :P

Post  xorius Sun Apr 04, 2010 5:02 pm

Ace wrote:
CruelWoW GameMaster Application Format

1. What is your main character's in-game name?

2. Where in the world are you located?

3. What time zone are you located in?

1:43 real time -----22:43 game time
4. How old are you?

5. What's your Account name?

6. What times exactly can you GM? (Be specific please : Days/Times etc)
1 year or more (all days of week )

7. Have you ever been banned for any reason?

8. How much time can you Dedicate to our Server?
long time because i like it

9. What is your Ventrilo Username? (Do you have a Microphone)?

i don`t have a ventrilo , and my microphone crashed :(i will go to buy another soon
10. Have you had previous experience as a Game Master?
yes , i have

11. Tell us a little about yourself.
hey , my name is Radu , i m from Romania.....i played wow 6 years and my bro teach me how to play , my first class was warrior ofc Smile i like to play fotball , ride bicicle, i like to eat pizza hamburgers, etc.....

12. Explain why you think you would be a good Cruel WoW GM.
i can make publicity, to get new people , i can help players if they need help

13. What interests you most about the GM position?

to make publicity , i think is fun , and server can get more reputation

14. If you were going to submit a suggestion for us, what would it be?
please don`t add donor , because not all players can buy these items and in server may be some players wich can be invincible

15. Events can get out of control, how would you pull a situation under control if it went bad ?
i calm down and i will see what i do

16. What do you think is the most important thing a GM can do ?
help server and players

17. What do you think set's you Aside from the other's ? (What make's you Special)?

friends Very Happy


Posts : 1
Join date : 2010-04-04

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