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GM Application - Anah

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GM Application - Anah Empty GM Application - Anah

Post  Anah Sun Jun 27, 2010 9:02 pm

1. What is your main character's in-game name?

2. Where in the world are you located?

3. What time zone are you located in?

4. How old are you?

5. What's your Account name?

6. What times exactly can you GM? (Be specific please : Days/Times etc)

I can be mostly from Monday to Friday from 2:00 pm to late night on regular basis; more on weekends. The fact that I'm on vacations at the moment gives me some free time to be able to spent on.

7. Have you ever been banned for any reason?

8. How much time can you Dedicate to our Server?
I can dedicate about to 5 to even up to 10 hours per day, depending on real life situations.

9. What is your Ventrilo Username? (Do you have a Microphone)?

10. Have you had previous experience as a Game Master?
I have started my own server before with some friends. I have been also Game Master on a server called WMX-Network in which I was able to handle lots of tickets at the time. The server got to its end by the fact that the donations wasn't enough to be able to keep the server up. (costs and expenses)

11. Tell us a little about yourself.

I live in Argentina, 18 years old. I on 12 Grade and hoping for the best (IB). I am a person which is very interactive and likes to have lots of friends. I am very dedicated to things that I propose to myself and very serious with job needs to be done. I am a very creative person as well as much as I can say. I've been playing World of Warcraft since TBC, which one friend of mine told me about this game at summer vacations.

12. Explain why you think you would be a good Cruel WoW GM.

I have the ability to handle situation with lots of pressure and handle it with care. As I said before, I am a happy person in which it takes much for me to get angry at someone. I am completely neutral with handling different situations which might a rise within the server. I am a fast learner when learning different commands, very helpful in forums and always trying to pursuit what is best in every situation.

13. What interests you most about the GM position?

The last experiences that I had as GM on the few past servers were in someway a good resource to be able to handle any type of situation. I really love this community as they are really interactive and most of the times situations does not goes so well.

14. If you were going to submit a suggestion for us, what would it be?

Advertisement will do all the Magic. Also, events would be something that would help the community to stay more interactive and for people not to get so bored with so much ease.

15. Events can get out of control, how would you pull a situation under control if it went bad ?
I have experiences which these type of things. On my past server I had the chance to make my own events, which had many ideas to these. I had some situations in which these events went out of control. The key to this is to be calm, be sure on what you are talking and to learn what the issue is all about. It is important to have both side of the stories before taking a final decision.

16. What do you think is the most important thing a GM can do ?

To make the server fun and always safe, have a neutral view on both factions and help both equally.
(As my past experiences some just help Alliance and not Horde, for example)
It is important to give players a fair treatment and to judge everyone fair.

17. What do you think set's you Aside from the other's ? (What make's you Special)?

My personality has a lot to do about what I am able to proceed into keeping the community interactive. I have lots of ideas on what events might be handled inside the server as PvP events, Hide & Seek, Last Man Standing, etc. I am a fully Bilingual.
I speak fluently Spanish, English and basic knowledge of French, meaning that I have no trouble to communicate with others.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2010-06-27

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