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Weedwacker's Gamemaster App.

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Weedwacker's Gamemaster App. Empty Weedwacker's Gamemaster App.

Post  bobslayer1 Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:53 am

1. What is your main character's in-game name?
Weedwanker 80 Night elf Druid.

2. Where in the world are you located?
Oklahoma in the USA.

3. What time zone are you located in?
Central - GMT

4. How old are you?
I am 13 years old.

5. What's your Account name?
My account name is Bobslayer1.

6. What times exactly can you GM? (Be specific please : Days/Times etc)
I can be a GM on monday - thursday (3:00 PM - 9:00 PM) and on weekends I try to get on but I cant ALL the time.

7. Have you ever been banned for any reason?
I have never been banned in my life.

8. How much time can you Dedicate to our Server?
In a week I can dedicate atleast 18+ and a day about 4-5 mabey 6.

9. What is your Ventrilo Username? (Do you have a Microphone)?
Yes I do use Ventrilo the name is Tyler and I do have a microphone.

10. Have you had previous experience as a Game Master?
Yes I have experience as a Game Master I have been 1 on a few diffrent servers.

11. Tell us a little about yourself.
Well I guess ill start with that I work hard as a GM. Some people would say im a little bit funny and fun to be around. I have brown hair im 16 and my name is Tyler. I am white . I like cats. I like tacos.

12. Explain why you think you would be a good Cruel WoW GM.
I think I would be a good GM on Cruel WoW because I am hard working as a GM I try to encourage people to play the server I like making the server better. I also think I could make it a little better place for everyone. And everyone knows that I am just that cool yo.

13. What interests you most about the GM position?
What interests me about being a GM is I want to help people and have the power to help the server to the best of my ability. I want to make the server a better place for its community.

14. If you were going to submit a suggestion for us, what would it be?
My suggestion would be if you dont have one a big arena ever 3 hours get as much people from each faction (evenly) and have a giant PVP thing (that would be cool) and give out rewards to the winners)

15. Events can get out of control, how would you pull a situation under control if it went bad ?
Well it depends on the circumstance ( i no I cant spell) if people started getting out of hand I would give them a warning to stop if they didnt i would teleport them away ( who causes the problem) so none else will get mad.

16. What do you think is the most important thing a GM can do ?
I think the most important thing as a GM is to help others make the server fun and help people have things to do then PVP ( if they dont wanna ). Help make the server bigger as the best to our ability. Help it if something goes bad. Help others if they have an issue.

17. What do you think set's you Aside from the other's ? (What make's you Special)?
:What I think makes me special is that I am a fun person to be around I have many characteristics I like cats (ALOT) people would prolly say im pretty cool to be around. I love to help others as much as I can

PS: If i am needed I can GM on the other realm. (if im execpted) - spelling fail Smile


Posts : 2
Join date : 2010-04-17

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