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Koala's GM App :D

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Koala's GM App :D Empty Koala's GM App :D

Post  iampro101 Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:46 pm

1. What is your main character's in-game name?

2. Where in the world are you located?

3. What time zone are you located in?

4. How old are you?17

5. What's your Account name?

6. What of the Following Positions are you Applying for? (Event's Gm|Ticket Master|Ingame Builder Gm)
Event's Gm, and Ticket Master

7. Have you ever been banned for any reason?
Yes, only once, but it was a glitch wasn't trying to do anything just randomly happend, but got unbanned. I'll try my best not to get banned again.

8. How much time can you Dedicate to our Server?
Well it depends but from anywhere from 8-12hours in-game, and in vent.

9. What is your Ventrilo Username? (Do you have a Microphone)?
Koala, and yes I do have a mic.

10. Have you had previous experience as a Game Master?
Yes, I have. I was a GM on WoWbeez, I serviced tickets on there.
11. Tell us a little about yourself.
I am in the 11th grade (dont hate lol), I am a A/B student. I have been playing wow for 4yrs. I want to become a GM to help everyone. I need to be a GM on this private server to help out all the community of Cruel-Wow ... m&cn=Koala is my priest on retail..

12. Explain why you think you would be a Good Cruel WoW GM.
I know I can help out this server greatly. By giving them a active/dependable GM. I will also listen to all of the players not just those who report people, cause I believe everyone should be heard even in concerning other players account, but really I want to become a GM is that I love helping people.

13. What interests you most about the GM position?
I love HELPING others, and trying to take care of those nastey tickets people are submitting that needs to be serviced.

14. If you were going to submit a suggestion for us, what would it be?
Try to find and test all the bugs to see if WE can find a way to get rid of them, and test the spells to make sure they are working 100% correctly.

15. Events can get out of control, how would you pull a situation under control if it went bad ?
I would have people whisper me in-game for invite/and or summon to the event, and have set amount of groups for the event, and if some people were disrupting the event I would give them a warning and if they continue will remove them from the event returning them to their hearth.

16. What do you think is the most important thing a GM can do ?
Help others when it is needed, and let everyone have a say in a matter.

17. What do you think set's you Aside from the other's ? (What make's you Special)?
I actually will try my best to dedicate myself to this server, and promote it in a positive way, and be online almost all of my time to help those in need.

18. What Realm are you Applying for?
Defused 3.3.5 (PVP) and if possible Vanilla 3.3.5 (PVP)
Koala's GM App :D 29uwun9


Posts : 2
Join date : 2010-09-16

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Koala's GM App :D Empty Re: Koala's GM App :D

Post  iampro101 Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:47 pm

i have my actual GM app on the current forums go check it out Very Happy


Posts : 2
Join date : 2010-09-16

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